Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), often referred to as chronic diseases, are diseases of long duration often resulting from genetic, environmental, behavioral and physiological factors.

NCDs have now surpassed infectious diseases as the leading cause of death in the world. The expectation is that as populations live longer, more affluent lifestyles, these rates will continue to rise.

Resources focused on treating infectious diseases, must be reallocated in order to match the shift in disease trends. Healthcare institutions around the world are being challenged by epidemics that are not exclusively medical in their epidemiology.

Keheala can help countries prepare for these future trends. Using Keheala's widely-accessible digital infrastructure to extend the reach of the healthcare system into communities, homes and the hands of patients where the social determinants of health exist, inadequate or non-existent healthcare infrastructure can be overcome. Keheala's unique behavioral insights can innovatively identify individuals with elevated risk of NCDs, link them to care, and see them through their treatment process with our demonstrated behavior change interventions.

To learn more about what Keheala can do for you, please contact us.

Diagnostic and Laboratory Services